Thursday, November 11, 2010

More of My Master Bedroom

Well, as promised, here are some more views of my master bedroom progress. The only area that is done, except for maybe a headboard, is around my bed. Sadly, the rest of the room is bare! I will continue to update you on my progress, one craigslist or bargain find at a time!

First, I thought I would share the bedroom that inspired me. I fell in love with this amazing room on ratemyspace.

It captured everything I wanted in a bedroom. To me, it was the perfect blend of contemporary and traditional style. The paint color is so calming and I love the contrast between the dark furniture pieces and the crisp white bedding. Sigh. From the lamps, accessories and paint color, to the "B" detail above the bed. It's just perfect in my eyes. So, I set out on a mission to capture the essence of that room as much as I could on my VERY limited budget...

Here is my husband's nightstand. Those moss balls really helped add a natural element in the room and a little color. 

In the original room, vinyl decals were used. I decided to save some money by only buying the "A" circle decal and only because it would have been very difficult to replicate. I found an image of the scrolls online and  enlarged and printed it. Then, I traced and cut the design out. Finally, I taped it onto the wall. It doesn't lay completely flat, but I like the subtle shadows that are created. 

I'm happy with the results so far. I think the part I've enjoyed the most is using my creativity. I'm almost glad I have a limited budget! I know what you must be thinking: she's crazy. But I actually enjoy having to think and find different ways to make it mine. I hope you like it too. :0)

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